"A society without diversity of mind is a dead society."

Hiding underneath today's Discrimination and Social Justice, there is a secret war for freedom.

This war is for your mind.

Life itself IS indivuality. You seek out what you like. You work for what you enjoy. You fight for what you love.

In this war, your opponents goal is to destroy your individuality, to create a hive mind entity that is not only self policing, but easy to bend to their will.

It has already begun. No longer can you speak your mind without fear of being quelled, no longer can you dislike something others do like.

Your opponent envisions a world of universal forced acceptance, complete obedience to the hive mind, no questions asked.

In their world a relationship is no longer a mutual bond, it is a selfish one-sided gulag forced under the pretense of being "inclusive". you will like everyone, you will accept everything, and you will be happy.

We are entering dangerous ground. Laws are starting to shift from restricting physical actions to enforcing mental conformity. The lines between the material and immaterial have blurred with the increased use of the virutal space.

Computers are not a physical device or tool anymore, they are now a gateway to another world. A world where so many live their entire lives now. A world that is now being wrangled into compliance. Virtual notions and opinion based statements are now treated as physical actions of hate and evil.

They are using this blanket to cover the borders in hopes that we will loose our sense of what is real, they want us to feel threatened by others thoughts.

The creation of the hive mind is well underway. The Matrix is almost here. You can see the dreamworld npc white blood cells in action now as they quell any apposed to their "rightousness".

The day is coming where it will be too late.

You won't be able to wake up this time neo.